This package is designed for investors looking for stable and safe growth potential with a three-year investment horizon. It offers the opportunity to achieve an indicative annual return of 20% through active portfolio management on three different platforms with very low risk under the management of highly experienced brokers
VT Markets have been committed to not only delivering an exceptional trading environment for our clients but also adhering to, and surpassing the expectations held by global financial regulators since the very beginning. We understand that in this industry, trades are keen to find a platform that is as much reliable as possible to make themselves comfortable.
With multiple regulators overseeing VT Markets, we have amassed in excess of 10,000 actively trading accounts of clients from all over the world, who depend on us for the safety and security of their funds on a daily basis.
This package caters to investors seeking a steady stream of income with global diversification.
Multi-Account Allocation: Your investment is strategically allocated across accounts held by brokers in different geographic regions. This provides global diversification and potentially reduces exposure to localized market fluctuations.
Income-Focused Assets: The portfolio prioritizes investments known for generating regular income, such as dividend-paying stocks, high-yield bonds, and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).
Broker Network Expertise: A network of experienced brokers, each with a deep understanding of their specific market, manages the regionally allocated accounts.
Global Diversification: Investment across different regions helps mitigate risk associated with any single market downturn.
Steady Income Stream: The portfolio prioritizes income-generating assets, aiming to provide consistent returns.
Localized Market Knowledge: The broker network leverages their regional expertise to identify suitable investment opportunities.
Protection Against Inflation: Carefully selected investment options protect your portfolio against possible currency fluctuations, devaluation and inflation to ensure stable returns even during market downturns.
his package is designed for investors looking for stable and safe growth potential with a three-year investment horizon. It offers the opportunity to achieve an indicative annual return of 20% through active portfolio management on three different platforms with very low risk under the management of highly experienced brokers
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how this package can help you achieve your financial goals.